July 2019
Executed at the Jacob Church of Oslo
Executed at the Jacob Church of Oslo
An Oslo interview about women’s role and their place in art
An Oslo interview about women’s role and their place in art
Record the album in Oslo
Record the album in Oslo
After the concert in Stockholm in 2019
After the concert in Stockholm in 2019
Stockholm concert practice in 2019
Stockholm concert practice in 2019
Stockholm 2019 Concert
Stockholm 2019 Concert
Stockholm poster in 2019 with Re_orient company
Stockholm poster in 2019 with Re_orient company
July 2018
Interview with euronews at Visa for music Morocco
Interview with euronews at Visa for music Morocco
Participate in the 2018 Visa for music festival in Morocco
Participate in the 2018 Visa for music festival in Morocco
July 2017
Noland’s song group before the concert in Luxembourg in 2017
Noland’s song group before the concert in Luxembourg in 2017